SÍP, Samband íslenskra prófunarstofa

17.05.2024 08:41

EUROLAB Lab of the future

Eurolab heldur fund Lab of the future


The EUROLAB webinar on the “Lab of the Future” will take place on Zoom on 28 May 2024, from 10:00 to 13:30 CEST.


The event aims to be an insightful exploration into specific practices related to the digitalisation of laboratories. Our confirmed high-level speakers will give you an overview on how to implement different practices for your activities, through which methods and following which procedures.


The webinar has a participation fee of 90€ for all participants (all ticketing fees included).


Register by 23 May 2024 at the link here 


Registrations and payments are managed through Eventbrite at the link above, if you wish to receive an invoice and pay by bank transfer, please contact us at


If you wish to be added to our mailing list and be informed about the developments regarding this and other webinars and events, please contact us at


Check the webinar program below or at the link here





Welcome of participants and EUROLAB introduction

Laura Martin - EUROLAB Secretary General



Towards the lab of the future - digital tools and processes

Sascha Eichstädt – Head of department “Metrology for digital transformation”, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)



Equipment Management in Labs and Digital Transformation

Siniša Prugovecki – General Manager, LorisQ Inc. (USA) & President, Croatian Metrology Society (HMD)



Digitalisation & Labs productivity

Paulo Rego - CEO, Ambidata Digital Innovation Solutions & Consulting



AI-Computer Vision for testing purposes

Federico Lucca - CTO & Co-Founder of BlueTensor



Laboratory robotics driven by AI – advances in development and deployment

Patrick Courtney - Leader of European Working Group on Analytical Laboratory Robotics, Member of the Board of Directors SiLA



Smart standards (TBC)

Serge Groven - Director Technology and Projects, CEN/CENELEC



Q&A session

Moderated by Anton Blöth – Managing Director, German Independent Laboratories Association (VUP) & EUROLAB Convenor of the Digitalisation WG
