SÍP, Samband íslenskra prófunarstofa

Flokkur: Upplýsingar

20.06.2018 08:28

Örbæklingur frá Eurachem

Upplýsingabæklingur frá Eurachem um nýju útgáfu staðalsins ISO 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories en töluverðar breytingar hafa orðið á staðlinum frá fyrri útgáfu.

28.05.2013 10:48

Fræðslufundur hjá Frumherja

Árlegur fræðslufundur félagsins var haldinn hjá Frumherja þann 27. febrúar s.l. Vel var tekið á mót félagsmönnum og flutt voru fræðandi erindi um starfsemina. Að því loknu var prófunaraðstaða Frumherja skoðuð. 




16.09.2009 22:41

Námskeið fyrir rannsóknarmenn

Dagana 28. og 29. september n.k. verður haldið námskeið um starf rannsóknarmanna. Námskeiðið verður hjá Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands frá kl. 9.00 til 13.00 báða dagana.

Skráning stendur yfir.

Nánar má kynna sér uppbyggingu námskeiðsins hér:
rannsóknarmenn lýsing á námi.docx

Kostnaður er 25 þús. kr. fyrir hvern þátttakanda.

24.05.2009 10:48

Ráðstefnur framundan

Vakin er athygli á eftirfarandi ráðstefnum síðar á árinu:

Laboratory Competence 2009 - 14-17 October 2009 in Cavtat - Dubrovnik, CROATIA

is organizing the third international conference on Laboratory Competence. Four basic activities are planned : invited plenary lectures, round tables, poster section, exhibition of laboratory equipment. Please download the invitation and the registration form . Please send the fulfilled registration form to


14th International Metrology Congress 22 to 25 June 2009 - Paris
Measurement as the decision-making and progress element in industry and society, is the focus of the 14th International Congress of Metrology to be held in Paris (France) 22 - 25 June 2009, and organised by the Collège Français de Métrologie (CFM). This exchange will take place through oral conference sessions and poster sessions providing unique and direct contact between specialists and participants.
You can find on the site the complete programme . The industrial Round Table discussion sessions planned for this Congress will cover the following subjects : what's at stake for metrology in the health field, metrology and reduction of greenhouse effects gas emissions, metrology and industrial performance, etc... An exhibition showing technical innovation and measurement professionals is also part of the Congress with about 800 booths.
In partnership with EA, Euramet, BIPM, OIML, NPL, LNE, Eurocopter-EADS Group, Renault, Acac, BEA Metrologie, Cetiat, Cetim, IMQ, INSA Lyon, LNE and sponsored by Stork Intermes and Hexagon Metrology.

For more information : Tel.: +33 4 67 06 20 36 -
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